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About Me

You're probably wondering how I ended up here...

*insert cliche rewind sound*


After playing in an intramural soccer team, I received a concussion that basically hit me with reality that I wanted to be a creative. Well, more like I came to my senses that maybe I'm not really athletically inclined and should take up something that I'm actually good at.


I may have broken many bones along the way, but it didn't break my spirit in continuing to challenge myself and trying new things.


And that's the story of how I became a creative. 


Actually, this isn't the full story, you can read my educational background

down below.


I didn't just choose Copywriting, the young girl who was always daydreaming, that enjoyed scribbling in her journal horrible song lyrics, writing short stories, and coming up with a whole movie scene from her head while listening to music did.


And that's that story of how I became a creative.



Let's Work Together!

Hi, I'm Veronica Bauza

Look into my past! 

Scan to view my resume...


Master of Science in Mass Communication:

Global Strategic Communications – Copywriting Track


   Miami Ad School x Florida International University  

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Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing


Certificate: Marketing Research & Analysis                                                                                                                               

Florida International University

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